Frequently Asked Questions


How long have you been a headshot photographer?

2 years

Do you do any other kind of photography?

Yes, I also do wedding photography! Go here to check it out!

How long are your headshot sessions?

My headshot sessions can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. On average a session will last about an hour.

I never look good in front of the camera, how do you get a good picture of me?

People think they don’t look good because they just don’t know the fundamentals of what makes a great headshot. Why are we taking the headshot? Who are we taking the headshot for? I coach my clients through their session to get them looking the best they can in front of my camera. You will get much better results with me, then standing in front of a wall and getting your friend to snap you with their camera.

I like my photos zoomed out, do you give multiple crop choices?

We will usually go over the basics on what you do, and what you need the photos for. Then I can give a professional recommendation. I usually give 2-3 cropped versions of the phones, zoom out, in and close.

Do you give multiple background choices?

Yes I have multiple background colors including white, grey, black, and now green for digital background insertion

Can you do waste up headshots?

I can, but my style is more close and personal. I believe they are called headshots for a reason, and that is to shoot your head, not your elbows.

Do I get to keep all the photos from my headshot session?

You get to keep all the photos taken from the session inside your photo sample sheet.

What is a photo sample sheet?

A photo sample sheet is all the photos taken during the headshot session provided to you in a PDF but are low quality, small in size, and watermarked for copyright purposes. This sample sheet is meant for you to make your decision on the one photo that you want edited in high quality. You may keep the photo sheet but the photos are of low quality, not edited, and are copyright watermarked, and are not allowed to be posted online.


Why charge a “session” fee, and why don’t I get images included in the session fee?

 I get this one all the time. The reason for the session fee is because the work doesn’t start and stop when the client comes in and when the client leaves. The session fee includes time before, during and after the shoot.

Before the shoot –I must go over and inspect my equipment so I can give the client a smooth, fun and fantastic experience.

During the shoot- I coach the client through every step of the way to make sure we get those amazing headshots they are going to love. This step is the most important and most valuable.

After the shoot – I sit down with the client and we go over the headshots and I give my professional opinion on which should be chosen for editing. Although the final decision is up to the client. Then those images are edited and delivered within 24 hours.